Monthly Archives: February 2011

meatless monday recipe: gluten-free shepherd’s pie…

it has been cold in l.a. seriously cold. it snowed in burbank. it snowed in glendale. and all i want is some warm comfort food. a recipe made in the oven that will make the windows fog up. a recipe that will make my tummy warm even though my hands seem perpetually chilled to the bone. so searching for inspiration in my fave blogs, i came across gluten-free goddess’s recipe for shepherd’s pie. shepherd’s pie? it’s been years since i’ve had a shepherd’s pie!

karina uses organic firm tofu, but i’m tempted to use either a ground beef substitute or maybe some field roast…either way, i am so excited to get my hands around a warm ramekin of goodness!

thanks, gluten-free goddess!

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why can’t food be food?

man, oh man do i love oatmeal. it is one of those simple, hearty, filling, delicious foods that is easy to make and beyond satisfying. the operative word in that sentence is FOOD. oatmeal is a wonderful, pure affordable source of healthy fiber, antioxidants and nutrients…what more could you ask for?

well, if you are at mc donald’s and you order their fruit and maple oatmeal, you are gonna get a whole lot of other stuff:

  • cream (which has 7 ingredients, only 2 of them dairy)
  • dried apples, raisins and dried cranberries
  • and of course, oatmeal (which also has 7 ingredients…say what?)
  • and more sugar than a snickers bar

this info comes courtesy of mark bittman’s op ed “how to make oatmeal … wrong” in this week’s new york times. according to mr. bittman, the brown sugar is almost never optional and the oatmeal costs more than a double cheeseburger in nyc.

i am usually always on the side of “real” foodies – that the reason many people don’t eat more healthfully is because they don’t have choices and access. but in this case, i’m really confused…wouldn’t it actually be cheaper for mc donald’s to serve “real oatmeal”? why go through all this? it’s not like oatmeal needs secret sauce or bizarre additives. could it possibly be because “real” people won’t dole out over $2 for oatmeal unless it’s somehow more special or convenient…as someone who often makes oatmeal, it would never occur to me to buy it outside of my house…unless it did have something special – local honey, organic berries and nuts…you know, all the stuff food elitists like me spend extra money on. and in terms of convenience, mr. bittman responds with the following:

Others will argue that the McDonald’s version is more “convenient.” This is nonsense; in the time it takes to go into a McDonald’s, stand in line, order, wait, pay and leave, you could make oatmeal for four while taking your vitamins, brushing your teeth and half-unloading the dishwasher. (If you’re too busy to eat it before you leave the house, you could throw it in a container and microwave it at work).

and for another option, here’s a recipe for overnight steel oats from two hungry sisters.

so my question is mc donald’s just giving the people what they want? even if it’s not good for them? < i really mean that…wouldn’t real oatmeal be cheaper? why all the sugary bells and whistles, why all the freaky ingredients? this is one instance where mc donald’s really could have done something healthy for their customers.

chances are most will opt for the sausage mc muffin, despite their best intentions…or maybe they’ll decide on this:

feast your eyes (and waistlines) on the cinnamon melt:  460 calories (170 from fat) and 32 grams of sugar…good morning, america!

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meatless monday recipe: hot skillet salad…

image from fat free vegan

this morning i woke up craving salad. not just any salad, but a huge, beyond entrée sized pile of veggies. it feels like i’ve been running on empty the last few days, grabbing a bite here and there and my body was shouting out for dark, leafy greens.

i am a sucker for carbs (they are my weakness – that and salty snacks…and okay, ice cream too), so my quick go-to meals usually involve some rice or pasta or big hunks of bread. but with daytime temps in the 60s (feels colder, could be the dramatic so. cal. girl in me who complains when the temperature dips below 70) and overnight lows in the 30s (say what?), the thought of a cold salad wasn’t appealing. thankfully, susan at has decided to follow dr. joel fuhrman’s eat to live plan and posted this gorgeous, warm and nutrient dense hot skillet salad recipe! i love it when the internets answer my prayers! plus, we have dr. fuhrman’s book at work, and after having to exchange a recent jeans purchase yesterday for a larger size, i’m thinking i, too, should give his eating plan a try…

susan’s recipe is brilliant for a couple of reasons…i usually prepare my kale in this way, but it never occurred to me to throw all my veggies in there and call it a salad. i initially was thinking about making a citrus salad dressing (we’ve got tons of yummy in-season citrus in the store, including dekopon’s a.k.a. sumo’s < although i wouldn’t use those beauties in a dressing…boy, i am really rambling today). but a warm salad that will work with most of the leftover veggies you have in the fridge? that is a nice addition to my cooking arsenal.

thanks, fat free vegan!

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Filed under food, meatless mondays, modern living

meatless monday (plus super bowl) recipes…

it’s a busy day here in the valley. work has been crazy, so i need to jam pack my days off with super bowl munchies and doing taxes (which i haven’t even started…ugh.). need to take my chocolate lady to the vet tomorrow (her hip is acting up) and in between all of that, ship out some orders (yay! one from hawai’i) and do all the things that don’t get done when you are working full time and trying to keep your business afloat…with all that blah blah blah being said, i am most looking forward to curling up on the sofa with the irishman and watching what i know is going to be a kickass game.

so how happy was i to find this is brand x’s 3 tasty veggie ideas for super bowl snacks all in one article!

hot stuff spinach artichoke dip (i’ll substitute vegenaise for the mayonnaise)

traditional guacamole in mocaljete (don’t have one, but the recipe looks delicious!)

and finally, my favorite:

vegan doritos (shut up! how genius is this?!?)

if i can predict the future, it will be the steelers and an overstuffed tummy that will wrap up my super bowl sunday…so i’m thinking this red quinoa salad tomorrow for meatless monday?

image from yumsugar

that’s it, kids! gotta get movin’! have a tasty touchdown time! oh, and go steelers!

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Filed under food, meatless mondays, modern living